Industry Knowledge Graph LLC Partner Network for Multiple Partner Types
Yes! We have an Affiliate Marketing Program. Contact Alan Michaels.
IF you are a Knowledge Graph company, please contact us to explore potential ways we can work together (including potentially linking our knowledge graph platforms together).
IF you are a data vendor firm that want to make your data accessible via a knowledge graph for the first time, please contact us to explore how we can change that quickly including the possibility of making your data available via the IndustryKG platform.
IF you are a business consulting company, we’re natural partners. Leverage our industry analysis data (where we define the competitive landscape (aka: Point A) while you focus on your client’s business strategy (getting to Point B). Given industry data is often the starting point in many management consulting projects, you might be able to show your prospect a holistic view of your overall proposed solution using real data during your first meeting.
IF you are a vendor of business strategy software, we offer industry and company data enabling you to show a much more complete solution from the start.
For M&A and private equity companies we believe you’ll find the most value in our data (especially for early adopters looking to leverage unique data sets). We also believe events lead to dynamic situations where a partnership arrangement can be mutually beneficial, especially when unexpected potential transactions need immediate strategic analysis.
For marketing consulting companies (from Brand Strategists to Brand Portfolio Managers to B2B Market Segmentation Analysts) we have a unique capability to identify competitors by brand at the granular industry level (Point A) that we believe will quick start your consulting projects (so you can focus on moving your clients to Point B, their future desired state).
For competitive intelligence (CI) firms that focus on the future (Point B) we are pure complements given we only focus on Point A, the competitive landscape of all industries including the competitors in each. Although we do identify industry, economic, demographic and technology trends that are relevant to each industry, we do not predict or forecast trend movements (like the future rate of inflation).
For MBA schools that teach strategy, consider using IndustryKG.com to raise the bar in strategic thinking. It’s a great learning tool with tool tips throughout the app that explain (and show live examples in concert with) Michael Porter’s five forces framework. We open to discussions regarding implementing new innovative frameworks that professors are developing.

The Data-Centric Revolution
by Dave McComb
Shift from application-centric to data-centric to enable your organization to develop more efficient and successful Enterprise Information Systems.
Get hands-on experience with the Industry Knowledge Graph.
Discover how Coca-Cola Corporation and PepsiCo inc. compare, side-by-side, in the free IndustryKG™ Explorer demo.